
I might never post this comment, but if it is posted (that would probably be the only reason you are reading this) it may not have been posted on the day it was written. And the next post might never come out. I am only writing this to hear myself type. *laughs*

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I love mine to death, but they don't feel the same way ... about each other. They were just fighting, not PHYSICALLY, oh gosh no, just verbally... yeah. So any how, it was about work. Note to the reader: never marry someone who works in the same field as you. That usually doesn't exactly work out, especially for the kids. The chain goes somewhat like this: You work together, so you know what goes down at work. You'll want to talk about it, but you'll forget to explain it to the kids and they will feel really left out. I should know this pretty when, I have had to deal with it for 14 years of my LOVELY life. (I'm serious when I put lov-er-ly in all caps.) Okay, that was a really short post but a) no one will ever read them and b) I have have to do my homework, I'm behind from yesterday. If I finish early, I'll write down some more of my thoughts, maybe even my philosophy on love, but who am I to know anything on that subject.
Y'all Rock

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