
I might never post this comment, but if it is posted (that would probably be the only reason you are reading this) it may not have been posted on the day it was written. And the next post might never come out. I am only writing this to hear myself type. *laughs*

Friday, December 31, 2010

Last Blog of the Year

Good-bye 2010.You have been good to me, and I will remember you fondly, but now it's 2011's turn to be the year. (for a year) >_<
_(U U)_
Good-bye kitty,

Monday, May 31, 2010

I will never become a doctor...

I'm sure many of you doctors out there might ask why, being a doctor is fun and I love my job. I am sure you do, and I have no problem with that. My father happens to be a doctor, but my friend cut her hand and I couldn't look without feeling a little light headed...
My fried ends and I like to get together in groups of three for movie marathons, so we had one on The Lord of the Rings. Since each takes forever, we where up REALLY late even though we started at 11:30 am or something...So at 2:15 in the morning, dead tiered, my two fried ends and I turn off the TV and start getting ready for bed. The Golden Poof rummages through her vanity bag and somehow manages to cut herself on a razor she decided to bring for no reason. But it doesn't stop there, although it didn't really hurt her it wouldn't stop gushing blood at we didn't know how deep it was. (But since it was a razor, how sharp could it be?) Shawty end (she hasn't grown since Lower School) tried to take care of it since I was of no use, flipping out over the never ending flow of blood. Eventually we had to wake up my mom and she took care of GP's wound. I never really saw myself as someone who can't handle blood, but I guess I can't.. It's also a good excuse to say I can't follow in my old (not really) man's foot steps.
I guess I'll tell you all about my plans for the future. Lets start with: How I Met THE LOU-ren (-ou pronounced like in out, or oust, or ouch, etc.)...
In the 6th grade I was fried ends with a girl who had a tendency to lie. The Liar was fried ends with this lonely weirdo who's life she loved to make miserable, specially by feeding her false information so that she would end up in awkward situations. One such lie was that I loved manga. Creepy-emo-girl was really happy that someone else in the grade shared her passion for them, so she immediately came up to me with a list of manga that she had read and liked. I felt really bad about what The Liar had done to her, so I took the list and a manga (the first Fruits Basket) she offered and read it.Next thing I knew The Liar was no longer going to our school and Lou-ren (the lonely, creepy, emo, weirdo girl) was one of my closest friends.
And how this will effect our future...
Last year (8th grade) Lou-ren and I jokingly (or so I thought) came up with this idea of opening a bookstore-tea shop. Next thing I know Lou-ren has told her entire family and mine. From there my mom begins lecturing me about how little businesses don't do well. I wonder if it really will happen, and I'll tell you if it does.
Good Luck with whatever you need it in,

Thursday, May 27, 2010

One more band...


Taking Showers...

Do you sing in the showers? I turn my music up really loud so I can here it over the 'roar' of the shower. (Mine is actually really loud, so sometimes I can't even hear my music any more.


School is FINALLY over! I have never been this happy about school out. I'm sorry. I haven't updated in FOREVER because I was getting behind on homework. (I happen to be the slowest typer on planet earth. I anyone cares to challenge me, I swear, I just down right suck at typing.) So now that exams and last minute cramming on the bus are over and summer is, well, happening, I CAN WRITE ON MY BLOG AGAIN! I am so happy that I have LITERALLY been jumping for joy. I have NEVER been this exited about summer. Never. Okay, about my typewriter obsession, well now I have a bike obsession. But I kinda live on a hill, so biking is pretty much impossible unless you are trying out for the Tour De France. (How do you spell that?) In fact, when we were driving down the other day, we saw bikers, in heavy (Actually it's really light for the wind resistance, but you get what I mean.) gear, trying to bike up our hill. They looked like they where in pain. And they were young. And fit. They looked like they where in a lot of pain. I don't want to bike up that hill, and I am definitely not biking down because it curves at this certain angle and, no way. I'm just going to keep my bones unbroken please.
Ya'll are the bomb!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


I am SO sleep deprived! Not to mention that I still have homework... But you all don't care about that, so I'll start with the
Uuhh, yeah, they were there when we were at DC. In fact, we were a the Smithsonian when they had there "giant" rally. I don't really know what they believe in, but I have a picture that gave me a good idea of what their ideals are, and they are a bit... extreme, to say the least.

See what I mean?
I wrote this a long time ago, but...

Saturday, April 10, 2010


was amazing! All you people who aren't Latin SHOULD BE. But you’re not. (All my English teachers would KILL me for doing that right there. And they WOULDN'T really KILL me, but you get my drift{wood}.) I just got back and I NEED my sleep (got there:10:30 fell asleep around 1:00. woke up at 6:00 got back to the hotel 9:30 fell asleep around 12:00. woke up at 7:00), but I want to record this before I forget.


This is this really small, but this is also the funnies thing that happened, and [OMIFRICK! IT IS SORRY, SORRY ANSWER! AH {for an extended time}! IT IS BY SUPER JUNIOR! AH{and yes, this is also for an extended period of time} SO COOL! FRICK! THEY ARE SUCH A BIG BOY BAND! 13 FRICKING GUYS! FRICK! Okay I'm, no wait THEY JUST SAID SHAWDY! AH {you know the drill.}Okay, the song is over. And for my sake, don't look it up, thanks *smiles*.] we were talking about it the entire trip. Dr. McCoy, you really gave us a laugh. Sadly I wasn't there to wittiness it, but the retelling, by Faith, was really good, and I'm guessing it is pretty accurate, cause she can retell stories better than living them. Anyway, so Faith and some other Latin AWESOMES ( And not all Latins are awesomes, only the girls who went from Middle School. And yes, Porsche, you are an Awesome.) were talking to Dr. McCoy before we left on Thursday. Now, I don't know if I said this, but Dr. McCoy is the amazing English teacher who acts like a little kid. That is basically what is the main support for her amazingness. On top of that, she is about five foot, I think. (For those of you who use meters, that is SMALL.) Dr. McCoy was giving some tips for the trip to TCL and DC. (Faith and one other girl in the AWESOMES are actually 7th graders, so they aren't going on the DC trip, but they are going on the OTD, which is the big trip we take in 7th grade. I'll tell you about it in another blog.) One of her tips was this; What do you do when someone tries to kidnap you? You say "No, don't steal me." The best part we at she didn't scream, she said it like she was talking to a kid, or Forest Gump, which will come up later in this post.


1) This was the first candidate who spoke. I'm sorry, but I didn’t pay attention to what they were running for. But this is what she did; she screamed into that mic. like her life depended on it. The up side of her speech was that there were not umm....s or uhhh.....s. That was good

2) This was the second guy (The first one was actually a girl, but I say guy to every one, sorry...) He recited a poem. That he wrote. I only remember the last line, but the last word in the line before it rhymed with thick, so in the line I wrote in, that is the word I used. Here it is;

You all might think me to be really thick

But you should see the size of my....( He actually waited for quite a long time. For a while I thought he was just going to leave it there, but then he said) brain.

That was his poem for us. He was running against the girl. She won. But there is more

3) Some dude ran for secretary or something (by this time I had lost track of people who had spoken) and this is a quote; "You should see my Times New Roman, it is both quick and neat." I thought that was funny. And he won.

4)One of the Presidential candidates (there were two) said when she first came to JCL she was a lone wolf in a wolf pack, Than she met us, and found out we were her wolf pack. I wonder if she meant to say it like that. But then, it gets better, she said we should vote for her to be our 'Alpha Wolf' She lost, but we voted for her, 3 and 1.

5) When the president took his oath into office, the current president messed up and told him to corrupt the offices. Captain and I were the only ones to pick up on this, but she didn't laugh half as hard as I did, so every one, especially the current president was glaring at us. I got SO red in the face...

6) There is something called certamen. It is basically Latin Quiz Bowl. Random questions about Latin. Yeah. The Middle School ( two boys, captain, and myself)had their team, so did the Freshmen (They were two girls) and then the advanced (All boys) The Advanced got third in the entire State. (THAT IS REALLY GOOD!) The Fresh{wo}men were CRUSHED in the first round and didn't even move on to second round. The Middle School had better competition. In the first round (there are only two) we were neck to neck (Is it another body part?) with this other team, MLK. We won, but one of our answers was challenged, so we had to take those points away and ask a new question. It was all a big hassle and stupid. But get this; The girl who challenged us came up to us 20 minutes after it was all over to tell us she was sorry to have made this big deal about it all and that we handled it all really well and we deserved the win. Nice, right, wrong, she finished it all by telling us that she and her friend were running in the election and that we should vote for the both of them. I literally started to laughed and called her out. I didn’t mean to, but we were all thinking, but I still got an elbow to the chest.

So that’s all that happened. And this was mostly all written on April 10th, 2010.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Just a really random (SHORT) note:
I am listening to a song titled "War War War"
I will not be blogging until April 18th!
Already missin' ya!


People seem to like to tell them, even though I'm sure they don't. I mean, think back to the first time, and last, when telling a lie was 100% okay with you and you were happy you did. No regrets. If you can list more than one, or one at all, you need to see a doctor. Well, today I told a lie, I feel bad about it, so I'm gonna tell you about it. Lets start from the beginning. I am on the Track & Field team. Raise your hand ( or just leave a comment) if you are, were, or will be (maybe a combination) on a track team. Now raise your hand ( you know the drill, or just leave a comment) if you are happy you do this. If you are, go back to that doctor of yours. I would much rather be on the softball team, but if they had a girls BASEBALL team (take into consideration that I can not play either sport, I don't even know how either of them work...)I would like to be in that too. Now my school is odd and happens to have their sports teams go into the middle of NOWHERE (yes, it is next to an interstate, but that is the only way we can go there, and besides that, there is absolutely NOTHING. To prove it, it is right next to a target complex. For those of you who have a life like mine and have no earthly idea what those two words together could possibly mean, it is basically a place where you shoot at flying pieces of clay. Rich people in England do it when they don't feel like hunting, I think...) to (remember, I am not done with the sentence yet) practice. So to GET to the middle of nowhere (the school really is in the city of Nashville, but not the downtown area) we have to use buses. Now today, no, yesterday (sarcasm), I was on the bus back to school because my parents work right across from the school and my brother is still stuck in the Lower School After School. On the bus, my friends like to sit on the edge of the seat (there are two people to a seat) so they can lean over and talk to each other as a giant mass-group. I usually get subjected to the window cause I'm just that cool. No, actually I am not on speaking terms with one guy who hangs out with the same group of people as I do, but that is a total different story that I might tell you in a month or so...
So today I was sitting in between The Captain and The Window. When she turned around to say the only words she would utter to me though out the entire trip:
"Are you okay?"
And my reply was:
But I'm a lonesome teenager, what does she think! Of course I was dieing in total despair of no longer being part of the group! But I lived with my decision to lie and instead spilled it out on this blog.
I have another story, but I also have another night of homework,

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I love mine to death, but they don't feel the same way ... about each other. They were just fighting, not PHYSICALLY, oh gosh no, just verbally... yeah. So any how, it was about work. Note to the reader: never marry someone who works in the same field as you. That usually doesn't exactly work out, especially for the kids. The chain goes somewhat like this: You work together, so you know what goes down at work. You'll want to talk about it, but you'll forget to explain it to the kids and they will feel really left out. I should know this pretty when, I have had to deal with it for 14 years of my LOVELY life. (I'm serious when I put lov-er-ly in all caps.) Okay, that was a really short post but a) no one will ever read them and b) I have have to do my homework, I'm behind from yesterday. If I finish early, I'll write down some more of my thoughts, maybe even my philosophy on love, but who am I to know anything on that subject.
Y'all Rock

Monday, April 5, 2010


If you haven't seen yet, I have a blog that finally fits my name! Yeah! How cool is that? Anyway, I have to go becauase yours truly hasn't done ANY of her homework yet, she's just been messing around.
Have an AWSOME life,


...Well, NOT really. That would be...
This is a post JUST for writers. As you might know, (from looking at what I wrote under
hobbies) I love to read. So if any of you would like to shoot me some of your stuff, just send it to my BLOG email:
SEND ME STUFF! I promise not to use any of it. And you have this in writing to prove it! I am also reading jazzetry's stuff and Beatrixinwonderland (BTW, both of those names are super cool. They are so cool you either have to be a super nerd or just awesome like that. (I fall under geeky...))
Yours Truly,

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Dead Things

Normally I don't like dead things. For example, we (Mama, Papa, and my beautiful Bucas) live in a huge wooden house on a hill that some-what resembles a tree house. (our house, not the hill) But next to the house is an ACTUAL tree house. Now, this happened back in the fifth grade, so the memories might be a bit blurry, and the friend who was staying over has now moved away. But this is what happened:
Blair (NOT her real name) was staying at my house for a sleepover. I had told her about my ACTUAL tree house, and, naturally, she wanted to see it, but when we go to my house, it was too dark out (remember, we were in the
fifth grade) so my mom suggested we go in the morning, which the two of us were more than happy to do. So, we got up as early as possible to go to the tree house. The result; we came screaming back into the house, waking everyone else. Have you put the pieces together yet? Well, when we went into the tree house, we saw the tail and hind legs of a (STILL) anonymous animal. That wasn't the worst part, it had (Wait, if you don't like blood and gore, skip this part, it gets kind of...) been, somehow, cut in half so that both Blair and I saw was the bone, blood, flesh, and other insides the animal had. It was HORRIBLE! We flipped and, well you know the rest of the story.
OKAY. FOR PEOPLE WHO STOPPED READING, YOU CAN READ NOW. The whole point I was trying to make is that I DON'T LIKE DEAD THINGS, that is,
except for Latin. The language is quite dead, but I still like it and I am very exited about the State Latin Convention that will be held in Gatlinburg, TN. So here is a question, who of you lov-ER-ly readers knows Latin, and who of you just happens to be going to a Latin convention (Where)?
Thank you for reading
BTW I might never post this comment, but if it is posted (that would probably be the only reason you are reading this
) it may not have been posted on the day it was written. And the next post might never come out. I am only writing this to hear myself type.

Hello World...

Without the ellipsis points at the end, that is basically what I write every time there is fog on the window of the bus on the ride to school. My bus driver is really nice. Every time we got on the bus he would smile and say Good Morning, and early greetings like such. I would say his name, but you never know what you can put on the internet these days... But don't worry, I know it. I really hate when people seem so friendly, and they don't even take the time to ask the person for their name. (I mean, let’s say you go to the post office every Friday. Don't ask me why, but you do. Maybe your VERY CLOSE friend sends you stuff every weekend. (?) Anyway, so you end up seeing the person who works there every Friday, cause they end up helping you every time. You 'know them for a whole two years, and your friendly and all that, but you don't care, or even ponder if that person has a good friend like yours. Or a family, A life, A NAME! So there is my example. BUT DON'T WONDER OUT OF GUILT. You have to seriously be interested or else you will never remember people.) So lesson of the day (April 4, 2010) smile at a stranger. (It might be me. *grins [evilly]*)


Umm, reader, I know you might be dieing to get a typewriter, cause I am not, I'm quite healthy, but I would love if you found ANYTHING that caould work, I am willing to look. And if you are selling one, I'm your girl. (NOT LITTERALLY! CREEPER!) I am mere eighth grader who will be paying this with her parents money, so keep that in mind. I also want to be able to write on it cause hermits don't have typewriters just cause, beleive it or not, they actually USE it, so it would have to be in working condition. *sighs* But not only does it have to WORK, it has to LAST. I'm sorry, if this is boring, you can just skip it, but I really want one! My ABSOLUTE biggest problem is that my paents are against it, and I see, 100%, where they are coming from. *OMD! SPAZ! (I am having a spaz attack) IT'S RESET BY SUPER JUNIOR [snickering in the background] 'SHUT UP! Not everyone can have a good voice, or have good taste in music!' Reader. If you too are snickering at me, please stop, you probably like one or two bad songs too! Frankly, I like it, and it hasn't hurt anyone yet! (They were guick, painless deaths, I assure you{jk})*

Okay, I am getting really sidetracked here, but I am really angry about this. People take things too litterally. I mean, geez, we can have fun sometimes can't we!? If something, anything happens, if I didn't have jk or something after that, I could be in so much trouble, even if I have nothing to do with anything! That is so stupid.

Oh, I forgot where I was, oh well, next thing!


Sorry, I am trying to convert the univers to Korean-[Pop]-ism. Here are the artists I know so far. Please, if you happen to know any more Korean artists, pop or not, please tell me. (Yes, two pleases) I has so many at one time, but I lost all the names, exept for the pop ones, for some odd reason...


After School

Girls Generation

Wonder Girls

Super Junior


See Ya


...That is my pittifully small list.

If you write me anything, I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Thanks for reading,


BTW I might never post this comment, but if it is posted (that would probably be the only reason you are reading this) it may not have been posted on the day it was written. And the next post might never come out. I am only wrting this to hear myself type. *laughs*